
Providing Patients With Top-Quality Care and Support

Comforting Hands Hospice helps people with terminal illnesses face the end of their life as comfortably as possible, surrounded by family and friends. We offer compassionate end-of-life care services to patients in Duncan, Oklahoma, and surrounding areas.

What You Can Expect From Us

At Comforting Hands Hospice, we cater to the individual needs of our patients by providing individualized care. Our services include:

  • Individualized Plan of Care
  • Administering all medications related to hospice diagnosis
  • Medical equipment and supplies required to manage symptoms related to hospice diagnosis
  • Physician Medical Director
  • Routine visits by nurses and certified home health aides
  • Medical Social Worker Visits
  • Spiritual, Grief and Bereavement care and counseling
  • Continuous Care during Crisis
  • Respite Care for family

Comforting Patients Like Our Own Family

Our mission remains to provide compassionate end-of-life care on an individual basis to patients who choose to be at peace with the remaining time they have. Our team of professionals will provide support for patients and families and help bring about a positive transition during the final days.

Set Up a Consultation With Us

Connect with our team at Comforting Hands Hospice to schedule an appointment. Let’s discuss your family member’s needs.